(most) People


Why I am here: I am involved with EngageOn because climate is important to me, and it's becoming more and more critical. With EngageOn, I'm making new friends and meeting more people in the area who care about creating a community to inspire conversation and action in taking care of Earth!

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Palo Alto ♥️ : I love taking a walk around the neighborhood and seeing these little libraries everywhere. As someone who was a huge reader growing up, I love seeing the new books appear and the power and potential of words and a great story.

Most fun step: I am really enjoying eating more veggies and cutting out food waste. It's really fun to find fresh and new fruits and vegetables from my local farmer's market and experiment with new recipes which then leads to compost for my home gardening!

Role at engageOn: I run the event calendar on our site and work with the team to find fun, local events we can promote. If you know of any organizations that would be a great fit for our platform, please reach out!




Why I am here: As a former environmental science teacher, I really value belonging to a community that fosters conversation and action around our climate issues. It’s pretty overwhelming to try to do it alone and when I heard of EngageOn’s mission, I just had to join!

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Palo Alto ♥️ : Sunset walks along the Bayland Nature Preserve. It immediately allows me to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and open my eyes and ears to the natural side of Palo Alto.

Most fun step: Eating more veggies. I love the challenge of turning my favorite dishes into plant-based powerhouses (and sharing them with others). It’s environmentally friendly, tastes delicious, and gives me tons of energy to continue to do my part.

Role at engageOn: I am in charge of the social media accounts for EngageOn. If you shoot us a message on Facebook or comment on an Instagram Story, that’s me!



Why I am here: I've been following the Zero-waste movement in my own way with how I consume for years now, but it always felt so shallow and isolating knowing that my individual actions aren't adding up to a more meaningful connection with the environmental movement and with others who felt the same way. I was glad to find a place within EngageOn to graduate my knowledge of the environment into action with others who feel similarly, through a method that works for me - Art!

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Palo Alto ♥️ : This is in one of the many empty parking lots here in Palo Alto where I go to roller skate and enjoy some tunes. When I'm not skating in random parking lots or tennis courts, I really enjoy biking along the Bay trail.

Most fun step: I'm all for getting around greener. I love running errands with my bike or taking the Caltrain to explore our neighboring cities. I always say riding a bike is the closest feeling to flying! Being car free in this area is so much easier compared to where I was before. It helps so much that Palo Alto has so much existing bike infrastructure available.

Role at engageOn: I'm the resident artist for Engage On and I'm starting our Climate Friends Book Club. I hope to see you at once of our monthly book club meetings!




Why I am here: For years I’ve struggled to understand the scale of the climate crisis, and felt clueless about systematic solutions and steps we should be taking. EngageOn bringing all of this together, and connecting us locally - is the bees knees.

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Palo Alto ♥️ : All the nature and pockets of wilderness in the heart of the city. Like the shady path nestled by San Francisquito Creek, just off Sand Hill Rd - great spot for occasional coyote and deer sightings!

Most fun step: Talk about it. (Also the scariest.) I’ve realized that taking some other steps regularly meant practicing inconveniencing myself for the greater good. Hang laundry even though it’s late, bike even though it’s a bit of a schlep, and take one for the planet. 💫

Role at engageOn: I’m the science communication lead, here to make sure we all have easy access to good quality, relevant information. Are you a scientist interested in connecting with the local community? Get in touch!




Why I am here: Nothing is as big and complicated as climate disruption, and nothing has as much power to bring us together to create a bright, equitable, and sane future.

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Palo Alto ♥️ : Ramona street. Coming up, I helped my mom arrange art displays in the building that now houses Coupa Cafe. This section feels relaxed and friendly, like the courtyard of the New Varsity did when I worked there as a high school student.

Most fun step: I am getting around greener with my bike. Whenever I can, I ride, and although it is hard to start up if I have been off it for a few days, it is so worth it. I love seeing our town from my bike - it is precisely the right pace for taking it in.

Role at engageOn: I fit rolls to people and do whatever bits are left. I MC the Engage On Up Monthly meeting, work with all the teams, and contribute to Project Hi! and Market Stories.